Thursday, 30 August 2012

Zari work

I'm feeling very excited about something new I found which combined my interest in sari's and embroidery. I've always wanted to make my own fancy sari but it always seems like so much work to embroider 5-6 meters of fabic like that. I've just found some modern references to a more traditional way of making beautiful saris.

There are some not-so-well produced videos that show exactly what I'm talking about on Expert Village.

Rainy days of ilampirai has some fuzzy but inspirational step by step instructions for different patterns.

Most importantly, Embroideryaddict, not only has some amazing projects on her blog, she also adds a few more names to the aari needle / zari needle confusion - it's also known as a tambour hook or in French 'Point de Beauvais'.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012


At one point or another I'm going to list all the shoe images I've culled from Cranach paintings. For now there's this:


Detail of - Portrait of King Charles V with his English Water Dog by Jakob Seisenegger 1532.