Sunday 18 May 2014

Scribes guild application - exemplar

For something different I thought I'd attend a newbies activity day organised by the local representative of the Lochac Scribes Guild. I've been interested in illumination ever since I dated Master Piers of Malmsbery who made the most beautiful scrolls. He'd spend hours upon hours planning layout and themes and each one was lovingly crafted for the individual. So having tried some rough attempts myself, I thought I'd get some expert direction. So I went along to MrD's house (I can't spell his SCA name - sorry) and he gave me some ideas on the finer points of gouche. He also informed me that I could make AoA scrolls for people if I submitted an exemplar to the college and it was deemed acceptable. I got really excited because Piers' Laurel scroll is still available for assignment and if I can make it awesome enough, I think it'd be lovely to give it to him if I can lure him to court one day.

Anyway, I present my exemplar. It's been styled after the Macclesfield Alphabet Book. It is similar to my previous attempt which was done with acrylics. I have added some things and remove the berries and tried to stay true to the colour scheme. I have sort of failed in one way because the original colour scheme has two red pallets, one fading to an orange and one fading to a pink. Ah well, I still think it is vastly superior to any of the attempts I have made with acrylic thus far. I'd hope someone would be happy to have something like this on their wall as their AoA.

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