Monday 19 August 2013

Persian garb for Jour d'Honnuer (Krae Glas)

So having gotten the hard part of my first Persian outfit out of the way by simply buying the upper garments I now have to create a full outfit with them for this weekends do at Krae Glas.
As I see it, accessories make the outfit and a wonderful informative list by Baron Afrasiyab al- Isfahani has given me a good start.

My accessory list for the weekend:

prayer beads - check
necklace - thanks dash!
seal ring - check  (yay for family treasurers)
scarf - I may be able to rustle something up. I'm going to go with the fabric belt, and sew two strips of appropraite fabric together. That way when I twist them together the colours will be revealed.
shoes - conversation with louisa of st mons gave me the idea of fabric coating a pair of slip ons.
leggings / sock things - thanks Candice!
earrings - the goldish pirate hoops may work.

and finally, headwear which may or maynot happen. there's a _huge_ variety to pick from.

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